Economic cybernetics (master program)

specialty 051 “ECONOMY”

the Head of the master program: KLEBANOVA TAMARA

In today’s rapidly changing market conditions, when demand and supply requires from the economic system, the ability to rapid restructuring, the need for specialists who can analyze, predict and make the right and informed management decisions based on analysis of the dynamics of the market increases dramatically. These professionals must have knowledge in Economics, analysis and research of behavior of economic systems, the theory and practice of decision-making, modeling, market development, management, marketing, economic and legal relations.

The master’s program “mathematical modeling” is a synthesis of three components: Economics, mathematics and computer science. Analysis and forecasting of economic processes is based on modern mathematical models, implemented using information technology.

The urgency of development of system of preparation of masters under the program “Economic-mathematical modeling” arises with the growing demands of the industrial and economic structures, local and state government, educational institutions, the professionals who know how to carry out a comprehensive analysis of economic activities of the enterprise; develop economically viable management decisions on increase of efficiency of activity of the enterprise; to create measures for economic development of the enterprise; to determine the economic reserves of the enterprise development; to evaluate the economic efficiency of introducing new equipment and technologies; determine the adequate methodology for the conduct of scientific research; justify planning decisions; to predict cost and economic dynamics production and economic structures.

Master training is focused on conducting theoretical and practical research in problems of modeling and optimization of economic systems, as well as in the field of information-analytical management of economic processes: production modeling techniques, predictive modeling of economic processes, the dynamic simulation of the strategy of development of enterprises, intellectual calculation and analysis of data using knowledge bases and the like.

The purpose of the master’s program is to prepare highly qualified professionals who can work in various sectors of the economy and will support the improvement of management systems based on modern methods of economic-mathematical modeling, business intelligence using information and Internet technologies.

Preparation of the master this program is aimed at:

  • solution of problems of development of abilities of students to application of economic-mathematical methods and information technologies in business;
  • application of mathematics and Informatics in business;
  • evidence-based forecasting; the use of modern software tools in their activities;
  • application of modern methods of economic-mathematical modeling in the field of micro – and macroeconomics, accounting, financial, credit, insurance, banking and foreign trade;
  • solving problems in management and Economics of enterprise;
  • effective market research and pricing;
  • the combination of theory and practice in decision-making on the basis of information technologies;
  • effective use of computer technology in any field of activity;
  • knowledge and practice in the field of information technology;
  • professional knowledge of network information services.


  • ability to carry out effective analysis of the functioning and development of the subject of management, to form a system of the most actual problems of management;
  • ability to formulate the General goal of the economic system and its decomposition;
  • ability to development of complex economic-mathematical models that support the process of managerial decision-making;
  • ability to shape the information requirements for task management, use of information technology in the development of economic and mathematical models, the formation of solution and its implementation;
  • the ability to justify their own point of view on the tasks of management based on the use of scientific methods, mathematical modeling;
  • training.


  • to apply known methods of modeling of dynamic systems of different hierarchy level based on their critical thinking with the use of modern software and relevant statistical information;
  • to predict the most likely course of developments for the future and to analyze and evaluate the possible consequences of changes of the phenomenon;
  • to develop the strategies of development of economic systems and individual subsystems;
  • to carry out the analysis and justification of the organizational structure of the enterprise (organization);
  • to develop and build decision support system for management decisions, to evaluate the effectiveness of the organizational structure of the economic system;
  • to develop models of conflict situations for the tasks of tactical and strategic management;
  • to assess and analysis the efficiency and quality of functioning of an enterprise (institution, Department);
  • to develop preventive measures against possible threats to sustainable development systems.

The concept of development of this specialty is aimed at improving the system of training of specialists in the field of designing of systems of support of decision-making. The main goal of the development of this specialty is to prepare highly qualified masters in economic Cybernetics, which can work in various sectors of the economy and will support the improvement of management systems of industrial and economic activities of various organizations under conditions of uncertainty, risk-based use of advanced mathematical methods and information technologies.

Academic discipline of the master’s programme aims at providing future professionals with knowledge and skills in organizational, managerial and research activities in the field of modeling, analysis, forecasting activities of enterprises and institutions using information technologies and the latest software, the functions of the analyst in the field of microeconomics and macroeconomics, production, financial, credit and foreign trade activities, the integrated application of modeling tools in the development of socio-economic projects, effective use of software and information systems and networks in the management systems of economic objects taking into account the conditions and specifics of national economic development. Academic discipline of the program take into account the actual order for the personnel in the regional offices of leading companies, financial institutions, industrial enterprises and research institutions. According to the curriculum allows students to research practice, pre-diploma practice. Research practice due to the need of generalization, systematization and improvement of theoretical knowledge and consolidate the practical skills acquired in the study subjects, acquisition of skills of independent work with sources of information, the ability to conduct research and to carry out testing of their results. The Department has a regular seminar on the issues of economic-mathematical modeling of socio-economic systems, is an integral part of the academic seminar of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Graduates of the master’s program can work by economists from large industrial associations; managers of private firms; managers, accountants, financiers, engineers; teachers of universities and colleges. Training is conducted for enterprises of the Eastern region and the whole Ukraine and other countries of the world. They are specialists for management, organizational, planning and analytical activities in industry, trade, services, and financial activities.

The learning process provides teachers with significant experience in teaching and research work and provide all the requirements of teaching. In the learning process widely used technical tools – presentations, training videos, modern software: R-Mat-Lab+Simulink, MatCad, Statistica, EViews, Enterprise Architect, Expert Choice, Decision Grid, Decision Pro, Win BP, Delphi, VenSim, PowerSim, Arena, VisualProlog.

One of the main directions in graduate programmes is the promotion of academic mobility of students in the area of deepening knowledge of perspective methods of economic-mathematical modeling and information technologies. Students and graduates take an active part in overseas summer schools hosted by leading Universities, study in overseas master’s programs, in particular: University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Master Programme in International Administration and Global Governance; University of Warwick (United Kingdom), Master Programme in Economic Development and Growth, Lund University (Sweden); Université Lumière Lyon 2, Master 2 Recherche GAEXA “Game Theory, Experiments, Applied Econometrics”.

Program Director: doctor of Economics, Professor Klebanova Tamara

Leading lecturers:

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