Research interests

The scientific school created by Clebanova T.S. includes more than 39 people, including 1 doctor, with 29 candidates, 9 post-graduate students.

Teachers of the Department participate in national and international educational projects, actively involved in research activities. The Department operates on a permanent basis seminar on economic-mathematical modeling of socio-economic systems, which is an integral part of the academic seminar of the national Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Themes and directions of research works


TopicResearch areasResponsible for implementing, telephone
Models of assessment irregularity and cyclic dynamics of the socio-economic development of regions of UkraineModelling the dynamics of socio-economic development of regions of Ukraine. Examines the complex models of analysis and assessment irregularity and cyclic dynamics of the socio-economic development of the regions of the country. The model is based on the principles of cyclical economic dynamics and have applications in prediction of development of economic systems of meso level.Dr.Sc. Economics, professor
Guryanova L.S.
(+38 057)702-18-31
+ an extension (3-56), (3-82)
Systems of early-warning and crisis managementDevelopment of teoretiko-methodological bases of designing of systems of the prevention of crisis situations in the context of cyclical development of the economy of Ukraine. Discusses the model ciclosporina SES, the model of diagnosis of the crisis tendencies of development of SES, the model of prevention of crisis situations in multi-level socio-economic systems.Head of Department, in Economics, professor
Klebanova T.S.

Dr.Sc. Economics, professor
Guryanova L.S.
(+38 057)702-18-31
+ an extension (3-56), (3-82)
Distributed model the distributed management of economic systemsExamines distributed models raspodele of socio-economic systems. Designed models for the formation of distributed (network) of economic systems, models of control systems for such systems and algorithms of planning and management control systemsPh.D. in Tehnique, professor
Milov A.V.
(+38 057)702-18-31
+ an extension (3-56), (3-82)
Models of adaptive learning management systems distancing educationThe development of the theorist-methodological bases of designing of systems of adaptive control of learning process in terms of the use of distance education. Complex adaptive models of the process control knowledge control and communication in the educational process, automated management system Department of the University.Head of Department, in Economics, professor
Klebanova T.S.

Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor
Yacenko R.N.
(+38 057)702-18-31
+ an extension (3-56), (3-82)

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