About department

Department of economic Cybernetics of Kharkiv national economic University started its activities under the name “Department of economic-mathematical methods” in June 1994, the faculty of economic Informatics and automated control systems. In the same year was made the first set of students majoring in “Economic Cybernetics”. In December 1997 the Department was renamed the Department of economic Cybernetics.

From the moment of creation and till today the Department is headed by doctor of economic Sciences, Professor T. S. Klebanova – academician of International Academy of Informatization, full member of Ukrainian Academy of economic Cybernetics, the International Association of applied and industrial mathematics , member of the Ukrainian Association of economic Cybernetics. The scientific school created by Professor T. S. Klebanova vehicle includes more than 41 candidates and doctors of economic sciences.

Professors of the Department are highly qualified in the field of economic-mathematical modeling and information technologies. They are members of the “Ukrainian Association of economic Cybernetics”. The Department has 3 professors (including 2 doctors), 12 associate professors. More than 83% of staff have a scientific degree, despite the fact that the average age on the Department is less then 39 years.

Professors of the Department participate in national and international educational projects, actively involved in research activities. During the existence of the Department 38 textbooks and manuals, 48 monographs have been published .

The Department carries out preparation of students on specialities “Economic Cybernetics” (bachelor and master programs), and “Applied Economics” (bachelor and master program). At the years of existence the Department has more than 300 students. Graduates of the Department successfully work in different spheres of economic activity: analysts of major manufacturing companies, analysts in banks and insurance companies, advertising agencies, tax authorities, managers of private firms, high level managers, financiers and academics, project managers and business analysts.

The Department is preparing a Ph.D. in specialty 08.00.11 – mathematical methods, models and information technologies in the economy, there is active scientific work. Department prepared more than 38 candidates of Sciences and 3 doctors of economic Sciences.

In September 2009, our Department was put into operation a system of remote learning, allowing students to access learning materials on studied disciplines, to monitor the progress, receive timely and quality advice of the Department faculty, and with interest and spend time. In order to use these modern means of personal distance education only require the computer with connection to the Internet and register on this website.

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