Applied economics (master program)


We invite You to become students of the Kharkiv national economic University. S. Kuznets

“Economics”, specialization “APPLIED ECONOMICS”

master program of “Assessment, analysis and forecasting of social-economic processes”

The duration of training is 1.5 years.

Educational qualification — master.

Department economic Cybernetics.

Master’s program — Assessment, analysis and forecasting of social-economic processes” (specialization “Applied Economics”)

In the master’s degree in applied Economics may enroll students who have obtained a bachelor’s degree (specialist, master) not only economic, but also other specialties!

Graduates of the master’s program can continue their education in graduate school in specialty 08.00.11 – Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in Economics (khnue them. S. Kuznets), the dual degree program “GAEXA” (lion-2).

The master’s program has a research orientation. The aim is to prepare masters in the field of predictive Analytics, the ability to successfully apply a variety of quantitative methods, methods of modeling (models of sustainable systems, system dynamics, neural networks), analysis (Kolmanovsky filtering, time series, cointegration) and the new information-analytical systems and technologies for solving applied tasks in Economics.

Graduates of the master’s program:

  • possess fundamental knowledge in the field of world economy and globalization, the industrial and agricultural economy, which allows them to quickly adapt to solving new application tasks;
  • able to carry out scenario-based business planning activities of economic systems based on modern quantitative methods of market research, methods, multidimensional, data mining, allowing to reveal hidden characteristics and patterns in large volumes of raw data;
  • can shape the research agenda of a particular subject area, to justify the conclusions and recommendations able to apply professional knowledge and skills in the field of modeling to solve applied problems in any field, including Finance, marketing, international development, production and technology.

Master in applied Economics may hold the position of economist-analyst in the field of research of commodity and financial markets expert-consultant for foreign economic Affairs, project Manager, chief economist, head of planning and economic Department, head of the Department of risk management, head of a small enterprise, chief financial officer, Director, researcher, University teacher.

The main disciplines: world economy and globalization, the industrial and agricultural economy, economic dynamics, multivariate statistical analysis, applied econometrics, modeling and optimization of economic systems, methods of decision-making, project management, methods and models of competitiveness management.

In the master’s degree in applied Economics may enroll students who have obtained a bachelor’s degree (specialist, master) not only economic, but also other specialties. Admission to the University is carried out by results of examinations in a foreign language, a degree and the average score in the bachelor’s degree (specialist, master).

For admission served the following documents:

  • copy of diploma with the application;
  • passport (original+copy);
  • copy of the identification code
  • 4 photos (3×4);
  • copy of military registration certificate (for military service);
  • a copy of the marriage certificate (divorce) for applicants whose name on the diploma does not match the passport;
  • folder with strings + 2 files.

Graduates of the master’s program can continue their education in graduate school in specialty 08.00.11 – Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in Economics (khnue them. S. Kuznets), the dual degree program “GAEXA” (lion-2).

More detailed information about tuition fees, the amount of allowance order, the deadlines You can find on the website of Kharkiv national economic University named after semen Kuznets  in the section “admissions”.

Coordinator of the specialization “Applied Economics”, doctor of Economics, Professor, chair of economic Cybernetics Guryanova Lidiya S., 067 99 09 704

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