Student’s science

Scientific achievements of students of the Department

The number of scientific events during the 2015/2016 academic year in which the active part taken by the students of the specialty “Economic Cybernetics”, “Applied Economics” – 7.

Of them:

  •  Conference – 3, including those carried out jointly with the Department of economic Cybernetics – 2;
  •  contests – 3;
  •  all-Ukrainian Olympiad – 1.

The total number of published scientific works of students for the 2015/2016 academic year to 130.


1.Scientific-practical conference of young scientists, postgraduates and students “the Development of a European space through the eyes of youth: economic, social and legal aspects”.

22 April on the basis of khnue them. S. Kuznets, with the active participation of teachers and students of “Economic Cybernetics” speciality, “Applied Economics” was held Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of young scientists, postgraduates and students “the Development of a European space through the eyes of youth: economic, social and legal aspects”.The purpose of the conference was to discuss scientific and applied social, economic and legal problems of functioning and prospects of development of European countries.The conference was attended by over 750 people, 110 speakers, including students, postgraduates, teaching staff and young scientists, who provided 40 higher education institutions, research centres and organizations of Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Poltava, Sumy, Kremenchug, Kherson, Severodonetsk with partners of the Council of young scientists of Lutsk, Chernivtsi, Ternopil. Also attracted young scientists from the UK, Poland, India, Norway, and Australia. For consideration, the organizing Committee received more than 700 registrations of the participants.The conference was attended by more than 670 people, representing 40 domestic and foreign UNIVERSITIES and organizations. The conference was organized at the initiative of Council of young scientists KNUE them. C. Blacksmith and co-organization of the Scientific society of students, postgraduates and doctoral students of the University, the Department of economic Cybernetics cooperation 10 departments of the University: personnel management and labor Economics, financial management services, of business Economics and management, public administration, public administration and regional Economics, legal regulation of economy, foreign languages and translation, sociology and psychology of management, accounting, physical education and sports, management and business.

2.Scientific-practical conference “Modeling and forecasting of socio-economic processes and systems”

The use of the latest approaches to conferences stimulates the interest of students to scientific work. Young scientists and students took part in organizing 24-26 March all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Modeling and forecasting of socio-economic processes and systems” conducted by Department of economic Cybernetics in the format of Internet-conference. On the conference platform in the online mode, held lively debates, urgent questions regarding the contemporary issues in the field of modeling socio-economic macro-, meso – and Microsystems. The aim of the conference was to discuss scientific and applied problems of modeling socio-economic processes and systems.At the plenary and breakout sessions was reviewed and discussed a very wide range of theoretical and applied problems of modeling of macroeconomic processes, problems of economic-mathematical modeling and management of the regional formations, mathematical methods and models in the system of enterprise management, the problems of modeling of financial processes, the use of modern information technologies in the management of socio-economic systems.The contents of the reports of the conference showed high interest and active discussion. The total number of views was more than 200 and carried out more than 250 cases. During the discussion comments published 54 reports.In the conference took part more than 84 people, including students, postgraduates, teaching staff and young scientists from such leading domestic and foreign UNIVERSITIES, in particular:Kharkiv national economic University named after semen Kuznets;Shei “Kyiv national economic University named after Vadym Hetman;Dnipropetrovsk national University named after Oles Gonchar;Vinnitsa technical College;Kharkiv Institute of business and management;Kharkiv state University of food technology and trade;Kharkiv Institute of State higher educational establishment “University of banking”;Municipal institution “Kharkiv humanitarian-pedagogic Academy” of Kharkiv regional CouncilThe contents of the reports of the conference showed high interest and active discussion. Co-chair of the organizing Committee – doctor of Economics, Professor T. S. Klebanova, Executive Secretary of the conference C. E. S., Assoc. Chagovets L. A.

3.International scientific-practical conference of young scientists “Management of economic processes at the macro and micro-level: problems and prospects for solutions”

In cooperation with the Council of young scientists of Lviv Polytechnic NEM 15.04.2016 G. and students OS 1 year master degree in “Economic Cybernetics” (Andrews A.) took part in the II International scientific-practical conference of young scientists “Management of economic processes at the macro and the micro-level: problems and prospects for solutions” at the Institute of Economics and management National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, the competition within the conference and the roundtable of councils of young scientists, devoted to the publication of articles in journals included in scientometric databases, the peculiarities of evaluation of research level scientist based on indicators of scientometric databases.


Also taken active participation and victory by the students of the specialty “Economic Cybernetics” in such events as:

  1. Championship Management Students Performance Challenge April 6-9, 2016, for the case of AVEC, which was won by the students of the 3rd course of the faculty of economic Informatics, in the team: Olga Nekrasova A., Morozova K., Chuikov, I. Skidan, A. I. Usachev
  2. II round of Ukrainian competition of student’s scientific works on a direction “Mathematical methods, models in Economics”, the results of which the winner became the student of 1-year OS master of a specialty “Economic Cybernetics” Cherenkov radiation I.
  3. 16-21 March 2016 on the basis of khnue them. S. Kuznets held the second interfaculty tournament management of economic processes in the enterprise and in the market environment. 4th year students of the specialty “Economic Cybernetics” – the team received a letter from the Rector KNUE them. Kuznetsov V. S. Ponomarenko and CEO KINT, V. Y. Paska for a high level of knowledge and skill to react to crisis situations.


II round of Ukrainian Olympiad in economic Cybernetics, the results of which the winners was the student of the 1 year OS master of a specialty “Economic Cybernetics” V. Polyansky, literacy team, Kulik G., Polyansky.

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