Conferences, which are held by the department
- First International Scientific Practical Conference “Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling”, 9-10 April 2009;
- II International Scientific Practical Conference “Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling”,8-9 April 2010;
- International scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students “Actual problems of science and education of youth: theory, practice, modern decisions», 16 – 17 April 2010 p. / Section 5. Modelling and forecasting of economic processes;
- International scientific and practical Internet-conference of students and graduate students “Actual problems of modeling socio-economic processes,” Ufa-Kharkov, November 5, 2010;
- All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference with foreign participation of young scientists and students “ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE UNDER CONDITIONS OF GLOBALIZATION” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of KNUE, 18 March 2011;
- III International Scientific Practical Conference “Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling”, 7-9 April 2011;
- IV International Scientific Practical Conference “Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling”, 9-10 April 2012;
- International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Innovative and information technologies in the development of business and education”, 20-21 November 2012 (Moscow-Kharkiv);
- V International Scientific Practical Conference “Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling”, 11-12 April 2013;
- IV International scientific and practical Internet-conference of young scientists and students “Modelling and forecasting social and economic processes”, March 13-14, 2014;
- VI International Scientific Practical Conference “Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling”, 3-12 April 2014;
- VII International Scientific Practical Conference “Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling”, 2-10 April 2015;
- VIII International Scientific Practical Conference “Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling”, 1-10 April 2016.
