Applied economics


We invite You to become students of the Kharkiv national economic University. S. Kuznets,

specialization “APPLIED ECONOMICS”

The duration of training is 4 years.

Educational qualification – bachelor.

Department of economic Cybernetics.

Possible further studies: graduates can continue education on master programs in “Applied Economics“, “Economic Cybernetics“, in the framework of the double degree program “GAEXA” (Lyon-2, Ukraine-France).

the objective of the bachelor program is to train specialists in the field of modern analytical methods and information technologies for solution of applied problems of economy

graduates of the bachelor’s program:

  • possess fundamental knowledge in Economics, marketing, management, Finance, allowing them to quickly adapt to the new challenges of application;
  • able to apply modern analytical techniques for the study of complex systems, identifying patterns in large volumes of data in the price of goods, customer requests, etc. optimization of economic systems;
  • possess the technical and social competences in project management on the basis of modern innovative methods, operations, recovery and financial management; financial management companies; risk assessment; modeling financial flows; – planning of complex tasks of the projects, their timing and cost; supervising budgets; methods of mathematical modeling and decision-making in conditions of uncertainty and conflict; modern information and Internet technology in business organization;
  • able to exercise effective choice of software, information security, mathematical tools for solving applied problems of economy, competitiveness and business value.

bachelor in “Applied Economics” may hold the position of economist-analyst, sales Manager, economist, financial analyst, marketer, analyst, commodity market research, business analyst, applications programmer, web-designer, IT-specialist, chief expert for the sale of products of micro, head of the division

major topics:

  • analytical methods in Economics,
  • theory of economic decisions,
  • information systems and technology in the economy,
  • applied problems of simulation in logistics,
  • modeling of banking systems,
  • methods and models of financial management,
  • applied problems of simulation in project management
  • e-Commerce,
  • Web technologies,
  • database design,
  • neural network modeling,
  • Data-mining

list of competitive subjects on a speciality “Applied Economics” includes:

  • Ukrainian language and literature;
  • Mathematics;
  • History of Ukraine or foreign language or geography).

For admission served the following documents:

  • certificate of external independent evaluation and information cards to the certificate (Appendix C) for students entering on the basis of complete General secondary education;
  • the document on education with the application;
  • passport (copy);
  • copy of individual tax number;
  • 4 photos 3×4 (subject to the submission of the originals);
  • documents on benefits (3 copies) for those who have benefits;
  • for boys at the age of 16 years and those entering full-time education, a copy of the document of military registration (copy of military ID);
  • a copy of the certificate on the conclusion (cancellation) of marriage-for applicants who have the name of the document on education does not match the passport;
  • a folder with a file of strings + 2.

more information about tuition fees, the amount of the allowance procedure, terms You can find on the website of Kharkiv national economic University named after semen Kuznets in the section “admission“.

the coordinator of the specialization “Applied Economics“, doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, Department of economic Cybernetics Guryanova Lidiya S., 067 99 09 704

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